Dækimporten Horsens was started in 1986 and has since haft aims that Sælges dæk and aluminiumsfælge the lowest possible prices. This goal is gennem years opnået by, inter alia, parallel imports af dæk and rims from Udland.
Parallel Import sounds for any negative, since there in the forløbne year the weather has much Debat about specielt dæk, which are imported to this Maad. We can therefore with good samvittighed enlighten, they dæk, which we import, Fulda ud opfylder they claim, one of the legislators equate, and that all dæk is estimated that Korea under EUROPEAN conditions. Parallel Import takes inden for many areas (tøj, medicin etc.) With the same result: The same product, but at a lower price, and it is with that keep konkurrencen sharp. We Kober today a major part af vort range in Denmark NetOp that ensure better leverancer.Det Applicable eg. dæk from Goodyear, Yokohama, Cooper and BF Goodrich.
Vores suppliers in Udland is among the largest fælg- and dækgrossister, not blot in Europe but also in verdensplan.Dét is with that securing a large and billigt Covering and fast delivery! Dækimporten has since its start been a pioneer af holders indenfor sales af aluminiumsfælge - endda Own import directly from the factory storage - and is currently the agent for fælgfabrikanterne Mille Miglia, RC design and Brock. All are EUROPEAN manufacturers, and they are chosen ud from a quality requirement, where gør, that we will not Sælges "cheap" rims and have the deraf following problems. All the rims, which we sælger, covered af forskellige guarantee.
Dækimporten is currently one af Denmark's largest retailers af alufælge and with brand promotion with the sidste new trends. We constantly keeps an eye on what there sker around us in the rest af Europe and USA.I recent years we have udvidet vores assortment to also include car audio, navigation, styling, laughing gas and sænkning. All these new growing sælges course after the same princip. Direct imports or parallel imports that Sælges at the lowest possible priser.På vores værksted can get it mounted udstyr you Kober in vores business. Dækimporten Horsens EJES today af Martin Boye, who overtog firm on 1 January 1997 from the convoys ejer. Martin has for several years Arbejder inden for bilbranchen operating at different areas. Martin was, inter alia, one af bagmændene bag Jens Nybo's Top Fuel Drag Racing Team as accustomed Europamesterskabet in the world's fastest motorsport in 1995 and 1996. In 1998 became team number. two in Europe.