Spinning to the rokk - an old tradition with new popularity
it to spin the rokk has become more and more popular. Spinning is no longer only associated with an old wife by spindle. Today, there are also many young people who spin their own yarn. Many people use the finished håndspunnede twine for knitting or weaving and some spinning for spinningens own sake.It is simply nice to spin, and there are more and something new to learn.
It fine with to create their own nets is that they can determine how you want to have twine their. You can spin tjukt or thin, loose or fixed. You can decide what fiber you want to use and you can mix different fibers with each other. There are countless fibers and are suitable for spinning,Both animal fibers such as wool, from the various sauerasene, alpakkaull, angoraull, cashmere, mohairfiber, or vegetable fiber that linen, cotton, silk, etc. Some stock different types of effektgarn by using various spinning and tvinneteknikker, or by adding net effects as pearls, sølvtråder etc. There is also many as colors twine their own. The possibilities are many.
Before various components are fed into fibers can be processed. Wool/fibers can kammes, so that we get a kamgarn or kardes with håndkarder or with kardemaskin, so that we get a kardegarn. When Mon karder can fleece will be rolled together in kidding that is pulled out when spinning. Long fiber including linen and dekkhårene from spælsauen can be added on a rokkehode.You can also obtain many effects by mixing colors already when karder and combs.