Horsens Dækimporten was started in 1986 and has since haft as the target that aluminiumsfælge sælge dæk and at the lowest possible prices. This goal is by the years opnået by. couple of allelic import af dæk and fælge from udlandet.Couple of allele for any import sounds negative, because he'll need there in the forløbne years has been quite a debate about specielt dæk, there are on this way importeret. We can, therefore, with good, that they samvittighed dæk oplyse, that we import, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims fuldt opfylder, one from the donor side, the law sets and that all that is calculated to be dæk cannot be reasoned with under conditions. europæiske Couple of allelic import takes place for many areas inden (toj, medicin, etc.) with the same result: the same item, but at a lower price, and it is with that keep konkurrencen razor-sharp. Today we a larger køber del af our assortment in Denmark just in order to ensure better leverancer. It applies e.g. dæk from GoodYear, Yokohama, Cooper, and BF Goodrich.Our vendors in the biggest udlandet among fælg and dækgrossister, not only in Europe, but also on the world's plan. What is with that ensure a large and affordable as well as quick delivery udvalg! Dækimporten has since his start in the world of weather pionererne sales an af af aluminiumsfælge-endda with own import direct from fabrikkerne-and is currently the agent for fælgfabrikanterne Mille Miglia, RC design and Brock. All manufacturers, the europæiske and selected the Foreign Ministry from a quality standards, which do, that we do not want sælge "for cheap" fælge and have the following deraf problems. All the fælge, which we covered sælger af, various security arrangements.Dækimporten is today an af Denmark's largest dealers af alufælge and is with all further with the thoughts new trends. We keep all the time with what single øje where around os in the rest af Europe and the United States. In recent years, we have also an estimation to the udvidet assortment that includes car audio, navigation, styling, nitrous oxide and sænkning. All these new of course same tiltag sælges after princip. Direct import or parallel import for that at the lowest prices possible sælge. On, you can get our showcase værksted it you in the udstyr køber our business. Dækimporten Horsens today ejes af Martin Boye, which the company 1 overtog. January 1997 from the oprindelige ejer. Martin has worked for several years on various inden for bilbranchen areas. Martin was. one af bagmændene bag Jens Nybo's Top Fuel Drag racing Team as European champion in the habit ska in the world's bet fastest motor sport in 1995 and 1996. In 1998 the team was no. two in Europe.