Til daglig har jeg en morsom jobb som jeg trives veldig godt med. På fritiden finner du meg ofte på café, sammen med gode venner, på reise (jeg har reist mye) på kino eller teater - eller ganske enkelt på sofaen. Jeg er også glad i å lage/spise god mat og drikker gjerne god vin til, sammen med gode venner. Jeg er et utpreget sosialt vesen.
Jeg har lyst til å treffe en mann som vet hvem han er og hva han står for. Om du har humoristisk sans, er det slett ingen ulempe. Det gjør ikke noe om du er fornøyd med deg selv og livet ditt heller, eller er sexy og har et godt smil :)
Jeg er en mann med et helt naturlig antall produksjonsfeil og mangler, og har en ganske god balanse mellom gode og negative sider ved meg selv.
Og du, har du ikke ansiktsbilde å vise er du ikke mann nok for meg.
Jeg håper du tar kontakt. Det kan jo bli hyggelig :)
To daily I have a fun job that I thrive very well with in my spare time you can find me often at the café, together with good friends, on the road (I've been travelling a lot) at the cinema or theater or simply on the couch. I'm also curious to lage/spise good food and drinks like good wine, together with good friends. I'm a distinctly social being.I have been wanting to meet a man who knows who he is and what he stands for. If you have a sense of humor, there is simply no disadvantage. It does not matter whether you are satisfied with yourself and your life either, or is sexy and has a good smile:)I am a man with a completely natural number of manufacturing defects and shortcomings, and have a pretty good balance between the good and the negative aspects of myself.And you, you don't have to show facial image you are not man enough for me.I hope you contact. It could be nice:)

To daily i have a fun job that i enjoy very well with. In his spare time you will find me often at Café, together with good friends, on the road (i have travelled a lot) in the cinema or Theater - or simply on the sofa. I also love to create/eat good food and drink would like good wine to, together with good friends. I am a distinctly social creature.
I want to meet a man who know who he is and what he stands for. Whether you have a humorous sans, it is simply no disadvantage. It does not matter whether you are satisfied with yourself and your life rather, or is sexy and has a good smile :)
i is a man with a completely natural number of production errors and missing and have a pretty good balance between good and negative aspects of myself.
And you,Have you not face image to view are you not man enough for me.
I hope you contact. It might be nice :)