Jeg har en ledig stilling som kjæreste.:
Det er en heltidsstilling og endel kveld, natt, helge- og overtidsarbeid må derfor påregnes. Det tillates ikke å jobbe i konkurrerende firmaer samtidig; Ledig omgående, med søknadsfrist snarest – denne sendes til innboksen.
Ønskende kvalifikasjoner.:
Ferdig med tidligere arbeidsforhold. Du må være lojal, ha godt humør og en sunn dose selvironi. Det hjelper hvis du har evnen til å ta ting på sparket.. Du bør være mellom 20 til 45, liker å omgås mennesker, er serviceinnstilt og omgjengelig!. Erfaring er et pluss, men intet krav. Du bør være ryddig og vite hvordan vaskemaskinen virker.
Jeg kan tilby.:
Gode fremtidigsutsikter med mulighet for forfremmelse til samboer. Delt lederansvar. Fallskjerm tilkommer ved forfremmelse.
Hele verden. Under prøvetiden kan pendling aksepteres...
I have a vacancy that girlfriend.: It is a full-time position and some evening, night, weekend and overtime work must therefore be expected. It is not allowed to work in competing firms at the same time; Free immediately, with application deadline as soon as possible-this will be sent to your Inbox.Interesting qualifications.: Done with previous working conditions. You must be loyal, have good humor and a healthy dose of self-irony. It helps if you have the ability to take things on the fly. .. You should be between 20 to 45, likes to mingle with people, is helpful and sociable!. Experience is a plus, but no requirements. You should be neat and know how washing machine works. I can offer.:Good future AOC aiming with the possibility of promotion to partner. Shared management responsibility. Parachute apply for promotion.Location.:Around the world. During the trial period can commuting are accepted ...

I have a job opportunity that boyfriend.:
it is a full time position and some evening, Night, Helge and overtime work must therefore be expected. It is not allowed to work in the competitive companies at the same time; available immediately, with deadline for application as soon as possible - this is sent to the inbox.
Req End merits.:
finished with the previous work conditions. You must be loyal, have a good mood and a healthy dose of self irony.It helps if you have the ability to take things on the fly.. You should be between 20 to 45, like to socialize people, is the service set and personable!. Experience is a plus but no requirements. You should be neat and know how the washing machine works.
I can offer.:
Good future prospects with the opportunity for promotion to cohabit. Shared leadership accountability. Parachute apply for promotion.
Work Location.:
around the world. During the trial time can commute accepted...